Monday, 19 November 2007


I've just got back to my base hospital after a few weeks at a DGH, and it sucks. We have one designated ward instead of free run to go find relevant patients, and they allow us to sign up for half day sessions in various other departments and clinics. It would be a great system, if it weren't for the fact that there are 75 of us fighting it out for the same 8 slots. I made the mistake of leaving my sign-ups to my first week back. All I've been able to get is one lousy foot clinic. Feet. Joy.

On the positive side this has meant that I have a very empty timetable, to be filled with reading, catching up and maybe an extra ward session (I'm on A&E so these can be a bit hit and miss).

Or, I can sleep, go out and catch up with the people I've been separated from for the past 6 weeks, drink some gin and sleep some more.

There has been gin.