I'm a bit fed up.
This could of course be the tiredness, the 25000+ steps I'm doing a day (yes I am still wearing the pedometer), or the fact I've not been home in almost 3 months. It could be the awful stodgy food I've been eating for 3 weeks now, the reports I have to write playing on my mind or the fact that one of my best friends is off to China in a couple of days, just before I'm free from this summer school job and so I won't even be able to speak to her properly for 6 weeks straight.
But mostly, there's one little thing pissing me off. For the past two weeks I've been surrogate mum to 8 15yr old girls. And they have been ace. Without a doubt my favourite ever group. Not one of them was in trouble, not one of them ever gave me cause for concern. I was greeted every morning (very early might I add) by 8 smiling faces, and even when a few of them were ill they were always adorable. I became very close to all of them, and although other RAs gave awards to a member of their group, I couldn't bring myself to pick a favourite for they were all perfect. On the last day they gave me a card; each having written a message about me. It brought a tear to my eye. When I saw them all off I cried with them, and I told each of their parents in turn how wonderful they were. Yet although I spent a fortnight gaining their trust, getting them to confide in me with medical issues, boy problems, and assuring them I cared, I now can't stay in touch. At least one of them girls wants to do medicine, and I could be of use in the future when she applies. I want to know how they all get on in life, but NAGTY says no. Anyone involved in NAGTY will know that NAGTY says that a lot.
So a girl in my group has attempted to add me on facebook, another on myspace. Completely innocent forms of correspondence. I have had to press that big button saying 'deny'.
That makes me feel mean. :(
Monday, 6 August 2007
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1 comment:
I used to hate that with my swimmers - you see someone at the best and their worst for 3 years - I mean the relationship between a kid and their coach is like no other, I can vouch for that...and then you leave for uni and are no longer allowed to contact them :'(
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