Monday 6 August 2007

NAGTY says No!

I'm a bit fed up.

This could of course be the tiredness, the 25000+ steps I'm doing a day (yes I am still wearing the pedometer), or the fact I've not been home in almost 3 months. It could be the awful stodgy food I've been eating for 3 weeks now, the reports I have to write playing on my mind or the fact that one of my best friends is off to China in a couple of days, just before I'm free from this summer school job and so I won't even be able to speak to her properly for 6 weeks straight.

But mostly, there's one little thing pissing me off. For the past two weeks I've been surrogate mum to 8 15yr old girls. And they have been ace. Without a doubt my favourite ever group. Not one of them was in trouble, not one of them ever gave me cause for concern. I was greeted every morning (very early might I add) by 8 smiling faces, and even when a few of them were ill they were always adorable. I became very close to all of them, and although other RAs gave awards to a member of their group, I couldn't bring myself to pick a favourite for they were all perfect. On the last day they gave me a card; each having written a message about me. It brought a tear to my eye. When I saw them all off I cried with them, and I told each of their parents in turn how wonderful they were. Yet although I spent a fortnight gaining their trust, getting them to confide in me with medical issues, boy problems, and assuring them I cared, I now can't stay in touch. At least one of them girls wants to do medicine, and I could be of use in the future when she applies. I want to know how they all get on in life, but NAGTY says no. Anyone involved in NAGTY will know that NAGTY says that a lot.

So a girl in my group has attempted to add me on facebook, another on myspace. Completely innocent forms of correspondence. I have had to press that big button saying 'deny'.

That makes me feel mean. :(

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Money troubles

I'm not feeling too good today. Partly sleep deprivation, partly guilt for spending too much on my day off. I drove to Tescos to buy some tea last night (post ridiculous shopping trip) and realised I had no petrol. I think I'm gonna have to buy some with my credit card just to get home once this summer school is over.

I don't get paid from this job until roughly when my student loan installment comes in, so I don't see any chance of my financial situation improving anytime soon unless I set up an illegal business with my students making them pay me to turn a blind eye to their lights still being on after bedtime. Kinda tempting actually....

So in the meantime I'm pocketing as much free food as is humanly possible. Alpen bars, juice cartons, biscuits and the likes are available 3 times a day for us and the kids, and seeing as it's already been paid for I see no harm in me taking enough to last me the final few weeks of the holidays.

Stealing or starvation... I'm sure I'm not the only one doing it...