Friday 13 June 2008

Friday 13th, a day to remember for me too!

Not quite as exciting as the finals results that are out today, I thought I'd share something amazing that happened to me today.

I saw my first natural birth.

The medic in me wants to tell you all about the process, the fact she had a small amount of pethidine but mostly managed on gas and air, that Mum and Baby were both fine. It was her first baby and everything went to plan, apart from the fact they'd been told to expect a boy and a little girl popped out. She didn't need an episiotomy.

The girl in me just wants to grin, and say 'babybabybabybabybabybabybaby!!!!'

All of me wants to tell you what a wonderful experience it was, and how grateful I was to be allowed to observe something that personal and emotionally charged. The midwives on the ward are amazing and looked after Mum and me wonderfully. Mum, Dad and Grandma were all brilliant about me being there.

I don't think I'll ever forget today, Friday 13th, 1.56am, and I'm damn sure I can think of at least 3 more people that won't either :)


The Little Medic said...

make that 4 people ;)

Anonymous said...

aww that's amazing, I dunno when we get to see a birth but it's one of those milestones of medical school.

Anonymous said...

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